reality's fantasy

Sunday, May 28, 2006


I just came back from cinema and I saw X-men3-The last Stand. For people that know me; even those that know me remotely, know that I am into comics big time. I grew up reading most of Marvel's comic books and (even though fewer than Marvel) a number of DC comics books as well.
And like most comic book fans I enjoyed and loved such series like Spiderman, The Hulk (which happens to be my favorite character till date), Thor, The Avengers and The X-men etc.

When I decided to write this blog I knew there was a big risk of sounding like a fretful type fan because I know for a fact that most fans complaints are in vain, because most times the fans take the books too bloody serious and hate any single deviation from the comic books they grew up on, which ends up making them look like losers with nothing better to do. Also the men in charge don't really give two kuso simply because their making their money.

With all that said, can you really blame most of them? Everyday people complain about the government and how blah blah leader was better than blah blah blah (I apologies for the blahs but my knowledge and interest in politics are extremely and embarrassingly poor) and even though to some people politics is much more important compared to comics to me it all boils down to interests. So seeing comic book fans complain about the adaptation of their favorite comics to terrible, trite, cheesy, unoriginal, shallow, idiotic and childish films and I can honestly say that it is usually justifiable bitching.

so here goes my justifiable bitching.

One reason why I got into comics was that it was always a good source for originality and totally out of the circle of thinking kuso. I mean where else would you get to read about a guy with a Jekyll/Hyde syndrome whose Hyde was a raging green bashing smashing machine? The action were superb, the stories fantastic and the characters (which was the most important thing) wondrous. Then comes in Hollywood, who always manage to fuck such things that should be left alone up. I know there seems to be a trend to diss Hollywood and I wanna remove myself from the trend by stating I love Hollywood for bringing out some of my favorite films ever, but I guess its like a person that saved your life but wants to fuck you..A sign of your appreciation. So even with all the shit I'm gonna talk about Hollywood I guess I still love it cos I know there's good in there, you just have to look hard.

X-men3, directed by Brett Ratner whose famous for directing Rush Hour 1 & 2, took the directional reigns for the third installment of the X-men series. When this film was still in production I read that Ratner left the Superman Returns for this and took most of the staff with him. Bryan Singer who did the first two X-men films went on to direct Superman Returns (lets see how that one turns out) it was said that Ratner is a actually a comic fan, after seeing this book I'm pretty sure the guy has never come in contact with a comic book let alone read a X-men comic.

I really do try and see the good points in films even when their bad, but truthfully I couldn't find much that was good in this. So much was wrong and not the fact that it in no way had anything to do with the comic book but because it was such a terrible film to watch.

Ratner do you know why people liked wolverine so much? I don't think you do, its simply because he's always been the underdog, like most comic book readers that are nerds, geeks and other fellow losers they have always loved him because he was different to the other members. He wasn't handsome like Cyclops,he wasn't as cool as Gambit, his powers weren't even great compared to the rest of the members, he smoked and he was mostly the prick, I remember him being the only X-men back then that they said killed, the guy just wasn't a proper superhero compared to the rest of them....Wolverine was more like a stubborn kid in the midst of proper super heroes and that's why a lot of people liked him. But it seems like Ratner doesn't know this and then gets it into his head to make Wolverine the main guy, the guy that gets the girl, the guy that gives advice, the guy that does things his way and doesn't care much about team work at all.
The portrayal of Wolverine in this film is retarded to the extent I actually ended up hating one my fav comic characters.

There was so much wrong with this film, the obvious things like them killing off Cyclops so bloody early, not giving Angel enough screen time, letting Vinnie Jones speak, making Pyro to be some sort of Fabian Cortez (look him up if you don't know who he is), the stupid part with Jean Grey trying to kill wolverine but not being able to (his healing powers aint that great, she would kill him in a second) most of this I could forgive but I will never forgive them for making Jean Grey, Wolverine's love interest, acting like she cares for him more than Cyclops. They actually managed to make Cyclops the underdog and I wanted him to be the main character....I kept expecting him to come back somehow.

Suprisngly the only character worth watching in this whole film was Storm. There really wasn't anything in this film that did justice to the comics that many of us grew up on, for that fact I implore all of you to boycott it.

They might as well have called this film Wolverine and others.

I think the saddest thing I felt after watching this film was the fact that Marvel is now run by unoriginal, greedy, twats that are getting it up the ass by Hollywood (which was the reason I choose the title MarvelyWood...Get it wood as in cock? I made a funny) so we're going to be seeing many more of terrible and idiotic adaptations of comic books into films.

Monday, May 15, 2006


Recently I have been watching (for research purposes) a lot of japanese animation (animie)...and I have found out quiet a number of things i am (unfortunatley) going to share with you.
before we go into that, i'd like to explain why i've been watching so much of them. a friend of mine sent me a text; asking if i wanted to creat a manga novel with him and being that i'm not doing anything worthwhile with my life at the moment i said why the fuck not.

So we droped down a our ideas (although my friend Reza came up with almost everything and i just nodded my head in agreement) and i decided that if we're gonna do this right, then i should make sure we know what the hell we're getting into, which thus lead me to my (unhealthy amount as Jeremy so put it) of mangas and animes viewing.

heres a list of some i've seen recently, Bastard!!!, AirGear, Angel Cop, GetBackers, Vampire Hunter D (bloodlust) Cowboy Bebop,Lupin the third, Escaflowne and many others that i cant remember.
anyways after watching hours and hours and hours of these japanese cartoonies i have come to realise that its an unwritten rule that the dialouge of anime series have to be idiotic, retarded, cheesy, annoying, frustrating and utterly ridiculous....i am not in anyway joking. at one point i could feel my head swell and almost implode as the idioticy set itself in my head. the weird thing is that even with all that power of stupidity that could surely kill a man, i found myself watching more animes and more mangas.
i dont understand why but i just kept on watching, maybe its all the sexual inuendos(hey i'm not some sick perv, you should see the things they put in these cartoons it does get very erotic....ok maybe i am a bit of a perv but only just a bit: who the fuck isnt these days)

the dialouge is the most annoying thing when it comes to animes, the plot usually are entertaining, even though a lot of them are just revised versions of some other anime/manga. but the dialouge are always (not always though) so bloody shite and i swear to God i have seen anime/mangas where the characters suffer from over acting...over acting, in a cartoon? just watch Hellsing and you'll know what i'm talking about.
their also the cheesiest things ever, yes cheesier than Sun Set Beach, cheesier than O.C and even cheesier than white boy bands.(ok maybe not, but their almost neck and neck), i mean i understand why they have to include such themes but why all that cheese?

although i have just say that not all animes fall into the retarded catergory, there are quiet a number of them that are just amazing beyound words, the dialouge sharp, witty, intelligent, mature and on point. the plot refreshing, the characters enjoyable and unqiue and over all just great. i would recomment any and everyone to watch these ones. Trigun, Cowboy bebop (the series and the movie) Escaflowne (avoid the movie, watch the series) Akira (if you havent already seen it, get it now) theres too many to name that are great but you seriously check those listed out.

i feel as if my anime phase is coming to an end and thats why i felt i had to write this down. i just hope Reza's and my manga lite novel will be good enough for people to wanna read it.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Before i made this blog I pondered for a long time just what i could write about continously and would keep people coming back to read it, and i couldnt come up with diddly shit.
The problem was i didnt want to create a blog site that would be unoriginal and played out, i wanted to do something fresh and original and as we all know thats an almost impossible task. so i continued to ponder and ponder with no success.

i wanted to write something on a peice of paper one day (dont remember the day, dont even remember what i wanted to write, but thats ok cos its not imporatant) and i needed a book to rest it on and i picked up this huge calender, dairy book from my uncles books and wrote what it is i needed to write. instead of just returning the book to where i took it from, i could feel something telling me to check inside, (I wish i could tell you that it was some sort of holy calling but i'm pretty sure it was me just being nosy and not minding my bsuiness)
So i look into the book and found that it was full of was an unused Dairy, which meant i could keep it for myself......wait why did i start talking about this? erm....oh yeah i remember.

anyways i went to see my uncle in his room to tell him that i would be keeping the Diary (not to write my feelings in....Homie dont play that). i wanted to use it for my Sketches and ideas for comics and novels.

So i go to his room and i tell him and he says ok, but on my way out i noticed a quote on a calender in his room, which is the point to this whole pyscho babble. and it said "Say what you want and do what you please, cos those you mind dont matter and those who matter dont mind"
i forgot whose quote it was...and i'll be sure to write down the name when i remember....but all i know is i felt so inspired at that moment that i wanted to do some writing.

so i leave with my new book and start writing down ideas for what the blog should be...and came up with a list of my interests. i decided to write about something that i cared about, fuck trying to come up with something original and please people...if people dont read or enjoy blogs then as my frog eating brothers say "Ces't la vie" which i think translates to "shit happens, accept it and move on"

on my list i had Comics (those that know me, know i am the most annoying nerd when it comes to comics) movies (which are usually obscure, i will watch anything) music (i listen to everything i can and give every genre a chance) novels (i read any and everything apart from romance, because in my opinion it is the dingleberry of writing)

i still couldnt think of a way i could write and i told me sister who look at me with disgust and say "get away from me you nerd" and so i have decieded to create a blog that deal with all things that are cool but nerdy.

so there you have it....this blogsite deals with what i consider to be cool but nerdy things and i hope you enjoy what i write about and if you dont well.....shit really does fucking happen.